Showing posts with label top cardiologist in gurgaon. Show all posts
Showing posts with label top cardiologist in gurgaon. Show all posts

Wednesday, August 9, 2023



Medical advancements in the field of cardiovascular care have brought about a revolution, instilling hope and enhancing outcomes for individuals requiring heart repair. Among these groundbreaking procedures is Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement (TAVR), a minimally invasive technique that serves as a lifeline for patients who are unsuitable candidates for conventional open-heart surgery. Let’s explore the realm of TAVR, examining its advantages, procedure, and the profound impact it has on the lives of those who have undergone this life-saving treatment, including finding a reputable heart doctor in Gurgaon to provide expert care and guidance throughout the process.

Understanding Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement

TAVR, also known as transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), is a procedure designed to treat aortic valve stenosis, a condition characterized by the narrowing of the aortic valve. Traditionally, aortic valve replacement required open-heart surgery, but TAVR offers an alternative approach that minimizes risks and recovery time.

The TAVR Procedure

The TAVR procedure involves the insertion of a collapsible artificial valve through a catheter. This catheter is usually introduced through a small incision in the groin or chest. Guided by advanced imaging technology, the doctor carefully navigates the catheter to the site of the diseased valve. When in place, the prosthetic valve is enlarged to push aside the injured valve and resume regular blood flow. This remarkable technique, combined with the expertise of a cardiologist in Gurgaon, offers a lifeline to patients in need of heart repair.

Advantages of TAVR

TAVR provides several key advantages over traditional open-heart surgery.

  • Minimally invasive procedure with smaller incisions
  • Reduced trauma to the body
  • Shorter recovery times compared to open-heart surgery
  • A viable option for older patients or those with preexisting health conditions
  • Reduces the requirement for a heart-lung bypass machine
  • Can often be performed under local anesthesia.
  • Less problems than with conventional surgery
  • Higher quality of life and improved heart health
  • Reduced symptoms of aortic valve stenosis, such as shortness of breath and chest pain.
  • Extends patients’ lifespans
  • Improves overall well-being

Risks and Considerations

While TAVR has proven to be a groundbreaking technique, like any medical procedure, it is not without risks. Potential complications can include bleeding, infection, stroke, or damage to the surrounding blood vessels or heart structures. However, it is important to note that the risk of complications is generally lower with TAVR compared to traditional surgery.

The Future of TAVR

As technology continues to advance, TAVR procedures are becoming more refined and accessible to a wider range of patients. Ongoing research and innovation in the field are focused on improving the durability and long-term outcomes of TAVR valves. With these advancements, TAVR is expected to become an increasingly prevalent and effective treatment option for individuals with aortic valve stenosis.

Impact on Heart Health

Moreover, TAVR has emerged as a lifeline for those in need of heart repair, offering hope to patients who may not have had viable treatment options before. Its minimally invasive nature, reduced risks, and improved outcomes make it a remarkable advancement in cardiovascular care. As medical science progresses, TAVR is poised to transform the lives of countless individuals, providing them with the opportunity to reclaim their health and well-being under the expert guidance of a heart specialist doctor in Gurgaon.

Remember, when it comes to heart repair, TAVR is a beacon of hope, offering a brighter future for those who need it most.

To book an appointment with our cardiologist: Dr. Monik Mehta (MBBS, MD, DM, FACC)

Interventional Cardiologist, Cardiologist, Cardiac Electrophysiologist

24*7 Helpline No.: +91-9873214382

Tuesday, December 6, 2022

The Complete Guide to Cardiac Catheterization

Cardiologists perform a procedure known as cardiac catheterization to assess your heart’s functionality. Additionally, it can be used to locate issues and deliver a treatment for clogged or blocked coronary arteries.

In this blog, Dr. Monik Mehta explains the procedure of cardiac catheterization and helps you understand how you’ll prepare for and recover from it.

A cardiac catheterization is a procedure used to monitor the blood flow and pressure in and around the heart. It is often referred to as a “cardiac cath” or a “heart catheterization.” Further, it can be used to treat some heart diseases.

During a cardiac catheterization, you must check certain things:

• Check your heart’s four chambers for pressure. • Observe the contraction of the chambers of your heart. • Measure the oxygen levels in each compartment by drawing blood samples. • Check your heart for any valve or chamber issues. • A little sample of heart tissue from a biopsy

Things you may experience during cardiac catheterization

In a hospital’s cardiac catheterization (Cath) lab, cardiac catheterizations are carried out by a top cardiologist in Gurgaon and a group of nurses and technicians.

A nurse will insert an IV line into your arm to provide you with a sedative before the surgery. During the procedure, you’ll be at ease but aware and able to follow directions. Additionally, a nurse will use a local anesthetic to numb the region and clean and shave the area where the catheter will be placed (often the wrist, groyne, or neck).

A sheath, a tiny tube, will be inserted by the physician into an artery or vein. Then, using the sheath as a conduit, they will carefully insert a catheter, an even smaller tube, into the blood vessel. The position of the catheter as it travels through the main blood veins to the heart will be shown on a television screen. While pressure could be present, pain shouldn’t be.

The catheter tip can then be fitted with a number of tools. Some of them are:

• Measure the blood pressure in the blood vessels that supply the heart as well as in each of the heart’s chambers. • View the blood vessels’ interiors. • Take blood samples from different cardiac regions. • Take a cardiac tissue sample for a biopsy.

To take X-rays of your heart’s chambers, valves, and coronary arteries, the doctor may also inject contrast dye through the catheter. The procedure is known as an angiography.

After doing these exams, your doctor may decide to address an issue right away in some cases. Your doctor may conduct an angioplasty to treat a coronary artery segment that is blocked or narrowed. During an angioplasty, a small balloon is used to expand your artery and clear any obstructions, improving blood flow. In order to keep the artery open, the doctor could additionally install a mesh tube known as a stent.

The catheter and sheath will be taken out at the conclusion of the surgery, and the site will be treated and protected to avoid infection.

After-Effects of Cardiac Catheterization

If the catheterization was performed via the groyne, you will be taken to a recovery room, where you will lie flat for a few hours after the treatment. You’ll be instructed to keep the nearest leg straight if the catheter was introduced through your groyne.

If the catheterization was done from the neck or wrist, you can sit up while being watched in the recovery room.

Meanwhile, a nurse will keep an eye on your blood pressure, heart rate, and any indications of chest pain, swelling, pain, or bleeding.

You’ll receive written instructions on how to continue your care at home before you leave the hospital. It’s critical that you carefully follow these directions, which include taking any recommended drugs.

You will be hospitalized, normally for one night for observation, if you have an angioplasty or stent placed in a coronary artery. At the puncture site, a minor bruise is typical.

Call your cardiologist doctor in Gurgaon right away if you experience any of the following symptoms:

• Enlargement of the bruise • Fluid or swelling where the puncture was made • Tingling or numbness at the location of the puncture

The procedure of catheterizing the heart is typically risk-free. Minor problems like bruising at the catheter insertion site are experienced by some people. Some people might have nausea from an allergic reaction to the contrast dye.

Additional potential dangers include a perforated blood artery, blood clots, and an irregular pulse. Your cardiologist in Gurgaon will go over any possible hazards and any additional precautions your team will take with you before the surgery.

Dr. Monik Mehta (MBBS, MD, DM, FACC)

Interventional Cardiologist, Cardiologist, Cardiac Electrophysiologist

24*7 Helpline No. +91–9873214382


Thursday, November 19, 2020

Heart Specialist in Gurgaon - Dr. Monik Mehta

Dr. (Col) Monik Mehta (Heart Specialist ) is a well-known and reputed cardiologist. He holds extensive experience in dealing with complications in various cases of cardiology, which includes Angioplasties, Heart defect closures, Paediatric Catheterizations, and interventions. Pacemaker implantation, ICD, and Heart Failure Devices such as cardiac resynchronization devices with a particular interest in Radial Artery access interventions. Owing to these specializations and his successful track record, he is one of the Best Heart Specialists in Gurgaon and India.

24*7 Helpline No. +91-9873214382



Monday, August 24, 2020

Best Heart Hospital in Gurgaon | Heart Specialist in Gurgaon

Dr. (Col) Monik Mehta (Heart Specialist ) is a well-known and reputed cardiologist. He holds extensive experience in dealing with complications in various cases of cardiology, which includes Angioplasties, Heart defect closures, Paediatric Catheterizations, and interventions. Pacemaker implantation, ICD, and Heart Failure Devices such as cardiac resynchronization devices with a particular interest in Radial Artery access interventions. Owing to these specializations and his successful track record, he is one of the best heart specialists in Gurgaon and India.

For more Details Visit at:

24*7 Helpline No. +91-9873214382

Thursday, July 23, 2020

Best Cardiologist in Gurgaon - Dr. Monik Mehta

Dr. (Col) Monik Mehta (Heart Specialist ) is a well-known and reputed cardiologist. He holds extensive experience in dealing with complications in various cases of cardiology, which includes Angioplasties, Heart defect closures, Paediatric Catheterizations, and interventions. Pacemaker implantation, ICD, and Heart Failure Devices such as cardiac resynchronization devices with a particular interest in Radial Artery access interventions. Owing to these specializations and his successful track record, he is one of the best heart specialists in Gurgaon and India.

For more Details Visit at:
24*7 Helpline No. +91-9873214382